Saturday, January 18, 2014

COGselftest - Online Dementia and Alzheimer’s Screening Tool

While all self-diagnosing tests have particular limitations, they might be quite useful as the first evaluation mechanism, helping to check yours, or your loved one, cognitive status without complications and unnecessary expenses. Scientifically developed, interactive, clinician-verified cognitive test that identifies changes potentially associated with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia with about 96 percent of outcomes’ accuracy now is available online to the general public.

Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the fifth leading cause of death for those ages 65 and older. However, it is known that sixty percent (60%) of people with early signs of Alzheimer's disease (AD) go undiagnosed. That means they miss the opportunity to delay the onset of the disease with early treatment.

Early detection of Alzheimer's disease and dementia is possible with the COGselftest. It is a simple, computer-based tool that helps you to detect the very early signs of Alzheimer's disease. If early signs of AD are detected, you can potentially delay the onset of the disease for several years through preventative measures and consistent monitoring. Of people with signs of mild cognitive impairment (that is, in only one cognitive domain) 7 percent to 8 percent per year convert to Alzheimer's.
AD develops slowly, and with early detection and treatment, it is possible to delay the onset of symptoms when treatment begins early.

"Because we are beginning to see a shift in this practice, we wanted to develop a modern test that is computer-based, internet-accessible and can be taken by an individual themselves independently with rudimentary computer skills,” said John H. Dougherty, Jr. M.D., Cole Neuroscience Center at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, Medical Director.

Taking less than 10 minutes to complete, the COGselftestTM makes it easy for people to understand and monitor their brain health. While there is no cure today for Alzheimer’s, lifestyle changes can delay the onset of serious cognitive decline.

A leading neurologist, Dougherty has specialized in Alzheimer’s disease for 18 of his 25+ years in the field.

Dougherty’s research showed a series of disease patterns for Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. These patterns allow individuals and their doctors to identify cognitive changes that can lead to critical gains in early treatment.

Unlike existing paper and pencil tests, the COGselftest screens all six cognitive domains—from visual- spacial, executive function and verbal fluency to memory, attention and orientation—pinpointing those that may have early warning signs of cognitive impairment.

“If one can put off the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease three to five years, it may change the basic epidemiology of the disease in a very important way,” said Dougherty. He and his medical team currently follow more than 3,000 patients.

Individuals receive a confidential, detailed report that compares their score to an age-matched control group. People can use the COGselftestTM to monitor their brain health and identify problems that can be shared with their physician.

The screening also can be an important evaluation tool for someone concerned about a family member or friend.

What will the COGselftest tell you?

The COGselftest identifies impairment in the six major areas, or cognitive domains, that are likely to be impaired by dementia:
* Orientation: The awareness of time, place, situation and self.
* Visuo-spatial ability: The ability to visualize, organize, manipulate and recreate objects.
* Verbal fluency: The ability to quickly and accurately use language.
*Memory: The ability to recall information and previous experiences as well as to learn and store new information.
* Attention: The ability to concentrate and focus on information without being easily distracted.
* Executive processing: The ability to reason and make decisions and judgments.

By assessing your responses in each area, the COGselftest can help you and your doctor to identify areas that may need attention and help you monitor changes and improvements.


Cost for a one-time use is $24.95, three-time use is $49.95. The cognitive test includes Doughtery’s e-book, “Better Brain Health,” a 65-page guidebook that helps people understand and improve their brain health.

Video Presentation

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